Electrical Engineering


Head of Department

HOD Message

Electrical engineering is a field focused on Electricity and Electronics from micro computer components to large Power Networks. Our Electrical Department has well
equipped laboratories to improve technical Skill. Our department regularly arranges industrial visits and expert lectures of industrial persons and Industrial trainings for
students. Likewise our Electrical Department has also arranged many student oriented programms such as lectures on Personality development, Entrepreneurship development etc. Our students of department not only Excellent in academics but also in IEDSSA  sport event as well.

About the Department

Electrical engineering is a field focused on Electricity and Electronics from micro computer components to large Power Networks. Our Electrical Department has well equipped laboratories to improve technical Skill. Our department regularly arranges industrial visits and expert lectures of industrial persons and Industrial trainings for students. Electrical engineering, one of the core courses of engineering discipline deals with the study of design, development, and maintenance of electrical systems and their components, ensuring quality, safety, reliability, and sustainability. The course focuses on the manufacturing of electrical equipment used in a number of sectors including construction and building and the production and distribution of power .Also  there is Government job option for diploma electrical student.


To meet the new challenges of new technological advances & to provide update knowledge in the state of the art technology & upgradation of the curriculum to the level of industry relevant learning & training & thus to be a place technical department that try’s continuously for excellence in education & research.


  • To provide knowledge based technology & service to meet the need of society globally.
  • To help in building national capabilities for excellent energy management & to explore non- conventional Energy sources.
  • To create & sustain environment of learning in which students acquire knowledge.
  • To be accountable through self evaluation & continuous improvement.

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At: Waghalwadi Post: Someshwarnagar
Baramati-Nira Road, Gate no. 53
Tal: Baramati Dist: Pune Pin: 412306


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