Computer Engineering


Head of Department

HOD Message

It is a pleasure to lead the department of computer Engineering . Computer Engineering is one of the latest branch of Engineering in modern era of Technology . It is  rapidly growing field with a wide range of job opportunities. The computer  engineers are highly in demand in IT sector and MNC. The department provides platform for the students to achieve a goal to build a strong career . the objective of our department is to provide advance computer education and motivate the students to  understand dynamics of industry and to upgrade their skills accordingly. 

Ms. Thorat J.B.

Head of Department

About the Department

The department of Computer Engineering was started in 2010 with intake 60. The department has good infrastructure with well-established laboratories Diploma in Computer Engineering is a course designed for to achieve academic competency in Computer engineering by using modern practices, industrial interactions through expert lecture & industry visits. The department emphasizes on effective teaching learning process including project based learning using modern tools and technologies. The faculty of Computer Department is working with a sense of responsibility and dedication to excel and achieve success in this era of Computer Engineering. Department helps students acquire skills and knowledge to become an IT professional in future. Also, department is committed to motivate students for lifelong learning.


To build a technical workforce in the computer engineering profession in order to fulfill the needs of the socio-industrial sector.


M1: To Offer High-Quality Computer Engineering Education for Easily Transferable to Higher Education and Industry.
M2: To Use Multidisciplinary Activities to Develop Technical Proficiency and Creative Ideas.
M3: To Foster and Guide Students' Social and Entrepreneurial Capabilities.
M4: Promoting Technical Education to Support Information Technology

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At: Waghalwadi Post: Someshwarnagar
Baramati-Nira Road, Gate no. 53
Tal: Baramati Dist: Pune Pin: 412306


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