- Open access to all
- Book Bank facility
- Use of barcode system for circulation of books
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility for book search
- Photocopying & scanning facility
- Availability of Old Question Papers, Syllabus, Institute Magazine etc.
- Library Membership
- Availability of NPTEL
- Users AwarenessProgramme
Library Rules and Regulation
- Entry in Library
- Students should enter in library with their Identity card.
- Enter the names in Library visit register is compulsory.
- Circulation System
- Every student can get 3 books at one time on behalf of library card for 15 days.
- Before receiving student should check the books condition, there shall be penalty
- The same book can’t be renewed on that day.
- No book shall be returned on the day of issue.
- Overdue Charge
- If the books are returned after due date then student will be fined Rs. 2/- Per day.
- Book Lost
- In case of loss of book the borrower is required to replace the book by a recent edition.
- Care of library Borrowers Card
- Handle the cards carefully
- Avoid folding & alteration of entries made on the cards
- Validity Of Library Card
- Library card is valid only for current academic year
- At the end of academic year student should return /cancel the library card in the library.
- No Dues Certificate
- At the end of academic year every student should close their account & get the NO DUES Receipt.
- Care of Library Book
- Student are required to handle the book/journal very carefully
- Student is punished to fined, if he/she is found in marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the page
- .Librarian may ask to return book from any student at any time and it is compulsory to return the same immediately.
- Reference Section
- In this section student can use their text books, reference book for their studies to be used only in the library.
- General Rules for Student
- Silence should maintainable.
- Keep your personal belongings at the Property Counter.
- Use of mobile phones is not permitted in the library.
- Please maintain decorum, peace and silence within the premises of library.
- A person shall not write upon damage or mark any book belonging to the library.
- Smoking, pan chewing & spitting in the library is prohibited.
- Personals book shall not be allowed inside the library. Please leave them at the property.
- Membership privilege if a user can be suspended on account of misbehavior with the library staff or for indecent manners.
- Reading Room General Rules for Students
- Reading room open from 09.00 am to 04.00 pm
- Silence should be maintainable
- Group discussion is not allowed in reading room
- Use of mobile phones is not permitted in the library and reading room.
- Please maintain decorum, peace and silence within the premises of library.
- Students do not write, mark on any desk, table and chair belonging to the library.
- Do not eat in reading room. Do not dirty reading room
- Smoking, pan chewing & spitting in the library is prohibited.
- Membership privilege if a user can be suspended on account of misbehavior with the library staff or for indecent manners.