First Year Diploma

Courses Offered



Computer Engineering




Civil Engineering




Mechanical Engineering




Electrical Engineering







Facilitation Center:

Our Institute has Government approved Facilitation Center (FC 6722) for Online CAP Registration,Verification and Confirmation of Applications .

First Year Diploma in Engineering and Technology

Eligibility conditions and requirements for admissions.

(1) The Candidate should be an Indian National.

(2) Passed 10th Std. /SSC examination or its equivalent, with at least 35% aggregate marks.


Steps for Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) by DTE

The Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) will be conducted by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Mumbai, Maharashtra with the following steps to regulate the admissions to the First and Direct Second Year of Full Time Professional Diploma (Polytechnic) Technical Courses (Engineering and Technology).

IMPORTANT: For all diploma admissions process, admission rules, Schedule of admission process stages, Information Brochure, List of Facilitation Centers (FCs) etc., kindly refer to the DTE portal

Various Steps for admission process are as described below:

Candidates willing to participate in the Admissions to Post SSC Diploma in Engineering and Technology shall follow the generalized steps below

A) Registration:

  1. Every Candidate shall register themselves on the DTE, Maharashtra web portal. Visit the DTE Maharashtra website:
  2. For the registration, Select the Tab ‘New Candidate Registration
  3. On completion of Registration every candidate will get the individual “Login ID” and “Password”. Remember your “Login ID” and “Password”. Do NOT share your Password with anybody.
  4. Candidates can take the help and guidance from the “Facilitation Center” (FC) approved by the DTE (Directorate of Technical Education) Maharashtra at free of cost.


B) Filling and Verification Of application Form:

  1. Login using the “Registered Candidate Login” option with your “Login ID” and “Password”.
  2. After the Login, the candidate shall fill in the On-Line application form with correct data and without error/mistake. The “Facilitation Center” (FC) will guide you for filling the form in case of any difficulty.
  3. Following information must be filled in CORRECT:
  4. Candidate Name as on the SSC Mark sheet
  5. Mobile No : The Mobile number on which all further communication and different SMSs will be sent by the DTE. Keep the number in working and do not change it during admissions process.
  6. Caste and Category
  7. Scanned documents are to be uploaded as given in the form generated. The scanned document file format and its size shall be as specified. The “Facilitation Center” (FC) will help you for scanning and uploading the various documents.
  8. Visit the “Facilitation Center” (FC) for Original documents verification and Confirmation of the application form. The FC will verify all required documents in Original and will CONFIRM the application Online, when all documents are correct and uploaded. The “Facilitation Center” (FC) will issue you the application confirmation receipt/acknowledgement duly stamped and signed by the officer.
  9. Preserve this FC confirmation receipt/acknowledgement and the attested SET for future references and will be required while admission reporting.
  10. It is mandatory for all candidates to complete the verification and confirmation of online admission application form by the FC (Facilitation Center) and get the acknowledgement duly signed from FC.


C) Provisional Merit List Display:

  1. l) DTE will publish the provisional merit numbers of individual candidate and will be made available in the candidate’s login.
  2. For individual candidate, the different merit nos. will be available by State level, District level, Category merit no. etc.
  3. Complete merit List for all candidates as a separate document is NOT available.
  • Grievances and Corrections:
  1. In the scheduled dates for Grievances and Corrections candidate can report the Problem/ correction to the FC and can make corrections in the application form confirmed.
  2. No changes will be done after the scheduled dates are over/finished.
  • Final Merit List Display:
  1. DTE will publish the Final Merit List numbers of individual candidate and will be made available in the candidate’s login
  2. For individual candidate, the different merit nos. will be available by State level, District level, Category merit no. etc.


D) Seat Availability Display :

  1. DTE will display/publish the Category wise Seats (Seat Matrix) availability for CAP admissions for all the institutes in Maharashtra.
  2. The Category wise Seats (Seat Matrix) availability will be published before the start of each admission Round - I, II, and III (R-I, II and III).


E) Option Form Filling:

  1. Candidate must fill-in and confirm the option form so that (s) he can participate in the CAP Rounds for admissions. The option form shall contain Minimum 1 (ONE) option and Maximum options up to 300.
  2. Candidate can fill the multiple options for multiple institutes and courses (Branch) in the same option form.
  3. Different options are to be filled for the First shift and Second shift for same course in the same institute.
  4. Each course TFWS option will also to be filled as a separate option in the same option form.
  5. All options MUST be arranged by the Decreasing order of the Preference by the candidate. Meaning that the First Preference is the Highest and the BEST option for the admission.
  6. After re-arranging the option by preference, the option form must be confirmed by the candidate. Confirmed option form can not be changed or modified.

@@. After Round I, For each CAP Round, the option form can be changed or, different options can be given or totally new option form can be filled and CONFIRMED.

F) Seat Allotment:

  • Computerized Conduct of each CAP Rounds- I, II, and III:-
  1. DTE will process the candidates by inter-se merit, option preference and allocate the provisional seats to candidate.
  2. The provisional seat allotment information is provided in the candidate’s login.
  3. Also the provisional seat allotment lists by institute are made available by the DTE on the website.
  4. If a candidate is allotted the seat as per his first preference, such allotment shall be “Auto Freezed” and the candidate shall accept the allotment so made.
  5. Such candidate shall then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP rounds.
  6. Such candidates shall then report to the allotted Institute within given dates for taking admissions by paying the Institute fees.
  7. Candidate must carry all Original documents for verification at the time of admission.
  8. The Candidate who are allotted other than First option can complete the allotted “Seat acceptance” by selecting the choice as ‘Freeze’ or ‘Non-Freeze’ and payment of seat acceptance fee (Only Once).

The choice of seat acceptance are as described below :

  1. Freeze —Candidates accept the offered seat as Final and they do not want to participate in any further rounds of seat allocation process (Rounds). Such Candidates will not be considered in subsequent rounds of admission;
  2. Non-Freeze —Candidates accept the offered seat and indicate that, if admission to an academic Course of higher preference option in any Institution is offered, they will accept it. Else, they will continue with the currently accepted academic Course (Program). Such Candidates will be considered in subsequent rounds of admission;
  3. For Candidates who choose the Non-Freeze option, and secures a seat of his/her choice of higher preference, then it would automatically result in the forfeiture of the seat accepted by the Candidate in the earlier round;
  4. For each further CAP Rounds (II and III), the option form can be changed or, different options can be given or totally new option form can be filled and shall be CONFIRMED by candidate.
  5. Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and not accepted the seat for confirmation of seat acceptance shall be eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds;


G) Reporting to Institute For Admission:

  1. A candidate who is allotted the seat as per his first preference (In CAP Round I Or II), it will be auto freeze and has to report to the allotted institute within given dates by DTE and seek admission on the allotted seat and its admission confirmation
  2. All Candidate who have selected ‘Freeze’ option for seat acceptance shall report for Admission as per the schedule/dates given by DTE to the institute allotted to them with following:
  3. All Original documents
  4. The FC Verification Acknowledgment.
  5. Additional Two (02) sets of photocopies of ALL documents
  6. Two (02) latest color passport size photographs.
  7. Institute Fees required to be paid as prescribed by the institute.
  8. Parents shall accompany the candidate as signatures of parents are required on institute admission form and other documents.
  9. Retain the admissions Fees paid receipt(s), FC Acknowledgement, DTE Admission confirmation issued by institute for future references and use.


At: Waghalwadi Post: Someshwarnagar
Baramati-Nira Road, Gate no. 53
Tal: Baramati Dist: Pune Pin: 412306


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